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Solar Energetic Particle
Event Time: 2023-08-08T04:26Z ( STEREO A: IMPACT 13-100 MeV )
Activity ID: 2023-08-08T04:26:00-SEP-001 (version 3)
Note: This event is seen following a data gap in STEREO A data from 2023-08-07T19:33Z to 2023-08-08T04:26Z. Additionally, there was a data gap in STEREO A Beacon data from 2023-08-08T19:27Z to 2023-08-09T04:26Z. Once data returned, the 13-100 MeV proton flux was still above threshold which triggered an automatic notification with ID 20230809-AL-001. This additional notification is related to the same SEP event at STEREO A with Activity ID: 2023-08-08T04:26:00-SEP-001 and does not represent a separate SEP event.

Submitted on 2023-08-09T18:33Z by Mattie Anastopulos

A Notification with ID 20230808-AL-004 was sent on 2023-08-08T04:33Z
A Notification with ID 20230808-AL-005 was sent on 2023-08-08T05:00Z
A Notification with ID 20230809-AL-001 was sent on 2023-08-09T04:34Z

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FLR Type: X1.5

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